The Lure of Horror Film

October is a spooky month–perfect for a visit to the scary exhibit at Seattle’s EMP museum: The Lure of Horror Film.

Can't look away

Truth be told, I’d rather laugh than be scared, but I was intrigued by the exhibit. And despite not being a die-hard horror fan, I’d seen a lot of the movies featured in the exhibit, which made it extra fun to see the props used in the film.

spooky selfie

The exhibit was curated by three horror film directors: Roger Corman, John Landis, and Eli Roth. They’ve put together a terrific collection, including a scream booth, movie artifacts, a shadow monster installation and horror soundscapes. Examples like:

The axe from The Shining:

shining axe

A stick man from The Blair Witch Project:

Blair Witch man

The alien creature suit from Alien:

Alien suit

Props from The Fly:

The Fly

Jason’s hockey mask and machete from Friday the 13th:

Mask from Friday the 13th

And a zombie suit from Michael Jackson’s Thriller:

zombie suit from Thriller

One of the scarier things I found in the museum was not intentional. I took a few pictures in the reflective ceiling in the EMPs expansive atrium. The combination of curved metal and screws turned us into monsters of sorts.

Are you going to see the show? What do you have to be scared of?

scream gallery


Filed under Architecture, Events, Film

6 responses to “The Lure of Horror Film

  1. I love how you were inspired to create your own “monsters” with your photography and the ceiling!

  2. Just reminds me of what my mom told me–they never come up with anything more beautiful than human beings. I’m not a horror or sci-fi fan, but I’ve seen a few and it’s true, no one has ever “created” a more beautiful being than humans. Just saying. 😉

  3. I totally thought the mirror/screws thing was part of the museum! That’s cool. I am a big fan of October for all the scariness/Halloween so I know I would enjoy this place.

    • It should have been! It’s funny because the ceiling was about 40′ high and I didn’t see the distortion until I looked at the shot I took. After I saw what was happening, I zoomed in and took some more. It was like a funhouse!

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