Backwards Top for Work

I put together an outfit for work recently and after taking the first shot for this blog I realized I wouldn’t be wearing the top to the office. As much as I like it, this is not a neckline for reaching across desks, grabbing paper off the copier, or picking errant pens off the floor (all of which I seem to do on a daily basis).


Top: H&M
Skirt: Una
Socks: Fred Meyer’s
Shoes: John Fluevog
Necklace: DIY
Cuff: Greenbelts

So I ran inside and flipped the shirt around. Now the neckline is more suited for a place of business. I’ll leave the low-cut tops for date night.


Don’t get me wrong: I’m not a fan of modesty*, and I’m not ashamed of who I am and what I look like. But at work, I like to be professional and focus on my job.

low back

* I don’t like the term modesty because I feel like it blames women for how they look and makes them responsible for how others perceive them. It puts the onus on us to “protect” men from temptation. That said, I like to class it up, not down, and make style more about the way I put clothes together, not how much skin I show. I could go on and on, but that’s a post for another day.

I’ve linked up with Transatlantic Blonde for WIWW. Check out what the others are wearing!


Filed under Dress Up Dress Down, Fashion, Feminism

18 responses to “Backwards Top for Work

  1. I actually like the look of the neckline flipped. Very pretty.

  2. ‘… to “protect” men from temptation’ – I adore this kind of attitude, too. As if the would not be able to moderate themself, like all intelligent people expected to do.
    Love the socks!

  3. As someone who likes showing off her back rather than her front, I’d probably always wear that shirt backwards. I like how it shows off your tattoos. 🙂 And great shoes!

  4. Both looks are lovely, like you said, the second one suits the work place better.

    I notice you’re wearing knee socks, love the look!!

    I’m interested to hear more about what you have to say about modesty.

    • I don’t wear knee socks too often, but it’s a fun look. Glad you like it. I’ll write more about modesty later. Basically, I don’t like the angle. I’ll dress for me. Nothing wrong with being demure or flashy. Show skin or not. Who cares? I try to fit the environment though. Bikini on the beach, blazer in the office. It would look strange the other way around even though both are acceptable items.

  5. Blog hopping from WIWW – great idea, my husband would have a fit if I wore a plunging neckline but there are shirts too cute to pass up – need to try this concept – thanks for posting!

    • I work in a male-dominated industry so being heard is more important to me than being seen. But this shirt wouldn’t look out of place in a nightclub or on date night. That’s why I chose to wear it backward to the office. Sometimes I wear dreses with plunging necklines and I wear a cute cami underneath to make them work appropriate (or wrap a scarf around my neck). But those same dresses look fine without the cami when I’m out at dinner. Funny isn’t it? Well, I hope you can use the idea.

  6. Your thoughts on ‘modesty’ = pretty much straight from my brain but worded better than I’ve been able to.

    Great that your shirt was versatile enough to allow the flip! And that’s a fabulous skirt. 🙂

  7. Pingback: OOTD – Turnaround Thursday « Fashion & Fun after Fifty

  8. It is AMAZING to find a fellow feminist amongst a fashion linky 🙂

    ✰Transatlantic Blonde✰

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