Shadow Shot: Fall Foliage

Hey Harriet hosts Shadow Shot Sunday, a weekly photo challenge where people can submit their shadowy shots—pictures that show the play of light and dark. I haven’t participated for a few weeks so I thought I’d get my act together and share some pictures with you. Check out her site for lots of inspiring photography.

Here’s a glimpse of what I saw while walking the perimeter of my building at work a couple of weeks ago.

fiery trees

I love autumn. I can’t get enough of the colors and I marvel daily at the fiery shades of the leaves.

golden tree

The day was cool and sunny and the sun brought the colors to life.

parking garage

It’s interesting how something dying can be so beautiful.

brick red

Fall is part of the life cycle of the ecosystem and the falling leaves add nutrients to the earth so things can grow again in the spring.

light on the leaves

I’ll have to remember that. I’ll have to sing The Byrds more often: “To everything (turn, turn, turn) there is a season.”

close up

Sadly, a few windy days and a rainstorm blew all the leaves away.

blue and orange

Maybe it’s the temporary quality that intrigues me. I’ll have to wait until next year for more vibrant color like this.

shadowy wall


Filed under Art, Photography

8 responses to “Shadow Shot: Fall Foliage

  1. A smashing splash of color and shadows.

  2. catherine

    This sequence of Autumnal shots is stunning – love the range of colours and angles

  3. Thanks! I like finding great things to shoot right in my own backyard (or the backyard of my employer, as the case may be) 🙂

  4. Beautiful shadows!

    Shadow at my page, please come and see.

  5. magicalmysticalteacher

    I like the dark shadows mixed in with the rich autumn colors!


    Shadows above me, shadows below,
    Shadows beside me, wherever I go;

    Shadows each morning, shadows at night—
    Shadows, O shadows, you’re my delight!

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Ants, Shadows, Sunflower

  6. Gorgeous photos! I love the shadows in the first and last picture!

  7. Ann

    Great range of fall colors. That first photo is so striking!

  8. I lucked out with the first photo. The building cast a shadow on the lower half of the trees. I was driving up and saw it, pulled over, and snapped the shot. That inspired me to walk around the rest of the building before work.

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